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BABEL – or The Art of Listening in TYA

The 14 partners are all ‘theatre for young audiences’ operators and intend, along with performers, artistic facilitators and researchers, to investigate the opportunities given by artistic languages to create high-quality shows for children, overcoming the barrier of languages and potential misunderstanding, fostering intercultural and intergenerational dialogue in the Performing Arts for Young Audiences.

Furthermore, there are eight globally associated partners involved, in order to expand the training project to non-European artists and disseminate its results.

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Teatercentrum is the Danish national centre for communication and dissemination of theatre for young audiences in Denmark. Teatercentrum facilitates and distributes information, tool-kits and organises KLAP – Theatre For Young Audiences, formerly know as the Aprilfestival, to enhance the meeting between performing arts and young audiences.

Teatercentrum is the lead project partner of BABEL being in charge of the project management on behalf of the partners. Teatercentrum represents KLAP – Theatre Festival, where there will be Babel Squares in 2024 and 2025.

more about Teatercentrum

La Montagne Magique


La Montagne Magique is a multifunctional performing arts house reflecting artistic, cultural and educational projects. La Montagne Magique cater for children, young people and adults (teachers, nursery nurses, parents, grandparents, artists, etc.) with performances, festivals, dissemination, artistic extensions, creative residencies and training sessions.

La Montagne Magique is a BABEL co-creator and part of the project management team. They are also in charge of disseminating the project.

La Montagne Magique co-hosts the festival Import/Export together with BRONKS, and will hold the festival Babel Square in 2025.

more about Montagne magique

Festival elPetit by laSala (Rialles)


laSala is a creation, exhibition, training, and research Arts Center aimed at 0-to-14-year-old-children. Its performances are primarily thought to address children and their families, but also school teachers and professionals in the field of Arts creation, education, and social action, especially for the early childhood and the young.

laSala believes in the transformative power of the Arts. Our mission is to create the right environment and moment, to erase limits, to make oneself ask questions and reflect, to foster interaction and to instill emotions. Our goal is to make people live complete artistic experiences by generating art encounters for children, be it with their families or at school.

Since 2005, laSala organises elPetit Festival, the first international art festival in Spain devoted exclusively to the Arts for the early childhood (0-5-year-olds).

more about laSala



The theatre of the German-speaking Community of Belgium. AGORA creates theatre, that confronts the issues of borders and languages. Due to its geographical location – between Belgium, Germany and Luxembourg – the multilingual company questions the links and differences between German-speaking, French-speaking and Flemish culture, between identity and plurality and between the countryside and the city.

AGORA hosts the Babel Square at International TheaterFest in 2023 and AGORA also produces the Regional Workshop in Jordan in 2024.

more about Agora



ASSITEJ Sweden is a platform for operators working within the field of performing arts for young audiences in Sweden. They work towards spreading knowledge on Swedish theatre for young audiences and arranging national and international performances and networks.

ASSITEJ Sweden represents the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering taking place at Bibu in 2022.

more about ASSITEJ Sweden

ASSITEJ International

Currently placed in Denmark

ASSITEJ unites theatres, organisations and individuals throughout the world who make theatre for children and young people.
ASSITEJ brings people together so that they can share knowledge and practice in order to deepen understandings, develop practice, create new opportunities and strengthen the global sector. The members of ASSITEJ are national centres, professional networks, and individuals from around 100 countries across the world.

ASSITEJ International is a BABEL co-creator and part of the project management team. They are also in charge of disseminating the project.

ASSITEJ International is co-organising the the ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings and the Intertwined Pathways (Regional Workshops).

De Stilte


de Stilte is a professional dance company in the Southern region of the Netherlands, that focuses entirely on developing productions and performing for children. They perform hundreds of shows every year, for both the public and for schools. Education is an integral part of de Stilte’s activities.

De Stilte is the initiator of the Brabants International Childrens Festival BRIK that will host a Babel Square in 2023 and 2024.

De Stilte will also be co-producing the Intertwined Pathways – Regional Workshops in Brazil in 2023.

more about De Stilte

Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana – LGL


Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (LGL) is the main Slovenian puppet theatre staging puppet and drama performances for children, youngsters and adults. LGL also pays special attention to cultural and artistic education in all its dimensions and at the national level cooperates in the endeavours to strengthen the standards and systemically place quality cultural content in the programmes of educational institutions.

LGL produces and hosts the Festival Lutke in 2022 and 2024.

LGL also produces the Craddle of creativity – regional workshop in South Africa in 2023.

more about LGL



BRONKS is Brussels’ Dutch-language theatre for young audiences. They create their own productions, invite visiting companies, have an extensive educational operation and organise festivals and events to suit a variety of audience groups. They asks artists to deal with relevant and provocative topics in a way that appeals to a young audience.

BRONKS co-hosts the IMPORT/EXPORT Festival together with Montagne Magique, and will be in charge of the festival Babel Square in 2025.

more about BRONKS

Scènes d’enfance


Scènes d’enfance is ASSITEJ France. They intend to bring together all the strengths of the performing arts sector, support the dynamic cooperatives in the region and abroad and defend the interests of the profession. It thus intends to contribute to the definition of imaginative and structuring cultural policies in favour of children and young people, in dialogue with public authorities.

Scènes d’enfance will host the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2025 in France.

more about Scènes d'enfance

La Baracca


La Baracca is a theatre company producing and programming Theatre shows for Young Audiences. La Baracca is presenting, hosting, and organising shows, workshops, cultural and artistic activities for children, parents, and teachers.

La Baracca is a BABEL co-creator and part of the project management team. They are the Lead Beneficiary of the Islands of Reflection research development also cooperate in financial management.

La Baracca also hosts the Visioni Di Futuro, Visioni Di Teatro festival in Bologna in 2024 and 2025.

more about La Baracca



An International Arts Festival for Children that aims to inspire children to engage with the world through their experience of the creative arts. To create spaces where children can deepen their understanding of themselves, the perspectives of others and the world around them.

Baborò festival will host Babel Squares at the festivals in 2024 and 2025.

Baborò is also co-producing the Intertwined Pathways – Regional Workshops in Indonesia in 2022.

more about Baborò

Menų spaustuvė


Menų Spaustuvė – The Arts Printing House is a unique creative phenomenon in Lithuania, a vibrant performing arts venue, and a meeting place for artistic souls. Arts Printing House strives to bring about change and becomes the first infrastructural complex for creative industries in Lithuania. It aims to foster creativity and support performing arts NGOs and their vision is to serve as a matrix-case, which collects different types of independent performing art projects into one place and allow them to share their artistic vision with the audience.

Menų Spaustuvė organises and hosts the Babel Squares at the KITOKS festivals in 2023 and 2025.

Menų Spaustuvė is also the Lead Beneficiary of the Catalogue of Inspiration and the producer of the regional workshop in Uzbekistan in 2023.

more about Menų spaustuvė



A part of the larger ASSITEJ International association dedicated to the development of theatre for children and young people. The organisation strives to promote TYA in the best possible way, to support the development of theatre art and artists in Serbia and abroad, with a general intention to change the attitude of the general public to theatre for children and young people.

ASSITEJ Serbia will host the Islands of Reflections at the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering 2023.

more about ASSITEJ Serbia


Associated partners

In addition to the nine transnational and international Babel Squares and three ASSITEJ Artistic Gatherings, the project operates with the Intertwined Pathways – Regional Workshops created under the umbrella of ASSITEJ International with organisations based in six different countries worldwide – Brazil, Indonesia, South Africa, Uzbekistan, Jordan, and Cuba within the XXI ASSITEJ World Congress. The Regional Workshops are anchored with the following associated partners, some locally established and anchored festivals, other organisations, who produce performances and theatrical events such as festivals.

Festival Paideia


The festival “A WINDOW TO UTOPIA” is an international theater festival addressed to children and young people with about 5 days endurance.

Paideia is very much active in CBTIJ Regional (Brazilian Theater Center for Children and Youth), and in the ibero-american network.

Collaborating with many Latin American countries + the Caribbean’s, and also with EU and Asian partners, it is the perfect ally to start disseminating the project on the American continent.

The 16th edition of Festival Paideia in Sao Paulo wil host the first BABEL Intertwined Pathways – Regional Workshops in 2023, produced together with De Stilte.

more about Festival Paideia

Festival Cradle of Creativity

South Africa

Initiated in 2017 by ASSITEJ South Africa in the framework of the first ASSITEJ World Congress held in Africa, CoC has become a key player for African TYA artists. It will focus on African participation with around 10 countries represented from the continent. Experts in indigenous African languages and sign language, as well as in TYA, will look at multilingual approaches to making theatre, balancing indigenous and global knowledge and pursuing paths of decolonisation and indigenous practices.

ASSITEJ South Africa will host the fourth Intertwined Pathways – Regional workshop in 2023 in co-production with Lutkovno gledališče Ljubljana (LGL).

Dialogue Community Performance

Great Britain

Also known as Performing Dialogue, DCP is a non-profit knowledge sharing network for Community Performance practitioners. They aim to build the capacity of Community Performance practitioners to generate and use evidence in order to boost and sustain their work.

The DCP will be in charge of the project evaluation and cooperate on the project dissemination.

Methodology: the external and internal evaluation of the project will be made jointly with the collaboration of the
associate partner, Dialogue Community Performance, who’s been collaborating with ASSITEJ for 5 years as a
documentation and archive center. D.C.P will guarantee a more methodological approach to the project in
terms of quality assurance. It will act as an external eye.

Pesta Boneka


Pesta Boneka is an international biennale puppet festival in Yogyakarta, which was initiated by the Papermoon Puppet Theatre in 2008. In every performance, Pesta Boneka brings together puppeteers, audiences, as well as creative communities to experience various stories and cultures intimately and creatively.

Indonesia has 17,000 thousand islands stretched from East to West, where each island and even each town has their own traditional language. The cultural diversities are massive in Indonesia. It is a perfect space to initiate and create new collaborative paths in the South-east Asia.

Pesta Boneka will host the second BABEL Intertwined Pathways – Regional workshop in 2022 in co-production with Baborò.

more about Pesta Boneka

ASSITEJ World Congress – Cuba


Every three years ASSITEJ holds a World Festival, which presents the world’s most outstanding works in theatre for children and young people and a Congress attended by more than 80 member countries, which establishes the working plan for the next three years. Logically following Paideia’s workshops, the World Congress in Cuba will give the opportunity for local artists to share and exchange their knowledge and know-how to the rest of the TYA worldwide community, while being a sounding board in the dissemination of the project.

Under the headline “Voices of a New World” ASSITEJ Cuba will host the 21st ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival in 2024 in Havana in coproduction with Rialles.

Stiftung Universität Hildesheim


The department of Cultural Studies & Aesthetic Communcation of the University of Hildesheim has an academic chair dedicated to the TYA. Researchers in the field of Cultural Studies will therefore accompany the work of the artists, to collect and systematize the results that will be disseminated. They will facilitate the encounters, focused on the contents of the project, between the involved artists and all target groups participating in the festivals.

The University of Hildesheim will conduct the research (Island of Reflection) which will serve both all cultural operators (thanks to the creation of the Catalogue of
Inspiration) and the University (the students leading the research).

Uzbekistan State theatre for young spectators, ASSITEJ Uzbekistan


Uzbekistan State theatre for young spectators, ASSITEJ Uzbekistan – a newcomer in the TYA community; will develop a workshop based on TYA folk tales from Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. BABEL will support artists from those countries to perform, meet and develop new partnerships in the region.

ASSITEJ Uzbekistan will host the third BABEL Intertwined Pathways – Regional workshop in 2023 in co-production with Menų Spaustuvė.

more about ASSITEJ Uzbekistan

National Centre for Culture and Arts of the King Hussein Foundation


The National Center for Culture and Arts uses the performing arts to promote social development, human rights, and cross-cultural understanding through capacity building and exchange programs in Jordan.

NCCA with a group of theatre practitioners from Arab Countries will address the language issue in a workshop setting to share best practice experiences and to investigate new creative approaches to the use of Arabic language with its disparities and differences in theatre productions for young audiences. The participants will include playwrights, performers and directors from: Tunisia, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait, and Jordan.

NCCA will host the Intertwined Pathways – Regional Workshops in 2024 in co-production with Agora.

more about NCCA