BABEL – or The Art of Listening in TYA
A European large scale cooperation project, that pursues the rights of children and youth to full cultural citizenship, and it aims to investigate the communication process, intercultural dialogue, and mutual understanding in TYA and more extensively the Performing Arts for Young Audiences.
Social Media: Follow the BABEL Project on FACEBOOK and/or INSTAGRAM – or check out the latest videos on our two specialized video channels on VIMEO and YOUTUBE.

The BABEL activities
The BABEL project entails a variety of interwoven activities all connected to allow a synergic development helping BABEL to coherently pursue the targeted objective and priority, while setting out the specific aims to reach the goals the partners have established. Reflections on the project’s core themes will be interwoven with those on cross-cutting priorities to specifically address issues such as environment, inclusion, diversity and accessibility, continuously sharing them with the whole sector. The project foresees a diverse set of activities all intertwined in terms of timing and implementation:
The Festivals / BABEL Squares
The name of the BABEL Squares refer to the latin forum – a gathering for the purpose of discussion and exchange of ideas and beliefs. The BABEL Squares are the 16 different festivals mentioned above. They will become places where the project will meet young audiences, and where artists can meet and cross workpaths to leave evidence of the work in progress and collect every useful element for the continuous design of the path. Each Festival over the 4 years will host the project twice, except for the two Belgian festivals, which will alternate.
Find the festivals in the calendar
The Residencies
At the BABEL Squares / festivals there will be possibilities for people interested in festival organising to apply for residencies, where they can oversee and participate in the different Babel festivals.
Find the open calls for residencies
The Mosaic Pieces
The Babel Mosaic pieces: articles written by artists, researchers and partners for web and social media.
Find the festivals in the calendar
The Multi-lingual Creation Groups
The Artistic Workshops
During the 16 Babel Squares there will be 16 intensive weeks of artistic work encounters, where performing artists from different language communities directed by artistic facilitators will interact on stage with other artists and the audience through creative and experimental workshops. Each Creation Group involves 12 performers together for 1 whole week encountering each other, the young audiences collected in short summary performances useful to compare the expected results and the final results.
Open calls for workshop participation
The Catalogue of Inspiration
The work carried out by researchers will lead to the creation of the Catalogue, that will turn the set of suggestions, reflections and inspirations into a know-how available to numerous artists and researchers in Europe and around the world. The Catalogue consists of 3 elements:
- The Mosaic pieces
- The Babel Book: a tool kit in several languages
- Interviews with training attendees, festival participants, NG in residency, and others.
Find the research in resources
The Islands of Reflections
Researchers in the field of Cultural Studies will accompany the work of the artists, to collect and systematise the experiences, results and outcomes of the activities. They will facilitate encounters, focused on the contents of the project, between the involved artists and all target groups participating in the festivals.
Find the research in our resources our resources
The Intertwined Pathways
Regional Workshops
To expand the training project to non-European artists and disseminate its results, there are furthermore 6 workshops in 6 different areas of the world, in collaboration with organisations from outside Europe. The regional workshops also pursue to involve a large number of young artists in the experience.
Open calls for workshop participation
Where the BABEL project will unfold
Festivals, partners and organizers:
Creative Europe Programme
BABEL is a European Large scale Cooperation project (Creative Europe Programme) involving 14 Partners from 11 European countries, coordinated by Teatercentrum i Danmark (DK). The Creative Europe programme supports transnational cooperation projects involving organisations in the cultural and creative sectors from different countries taking part in the programme and aims to improve access to European cultural and creative works and to promote innovation and creativity.